The Citrus Gardens
The orange groves have been the main resource of our farm for centuries. The gift of these resourceful fruits has been passed on to us since the Arabs elected Sicily as part of their empire. From the early 1990s we have been amongst the first farmers to manage the crops with no use of toxic fertilizers and following strict regulations.
We offer more than 15 different orange varieties which occupy about 59 hectares facing the magnificent volcano Etna. These varieties, allow us to provide oranges from October till March. It is thanks to the presence of this incredible volcano that we can produce varieties such as Tarocco, Moro and Sanguinello, which are typical only to this land.

Let food be thy medicine — Hippocrates

The temperature excursion between day and night give these oranges their typical deep red hue. This climate stress stimulates the plants to produce plenty of anthocyanins, as a protection against cold temperatures. The many properties of anthocyanins have made these blood oranges a resourceful power food, thanks to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties.
As fervent Hippocrates sustainors, we fully embrace his philosophy: ‘Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food’.